The occurrence of sexual harassment in the workplace, gender stereotyping or gender based discrimination, is something which make women and students of all genders to suffer and forces them to limit their ambitions and goals. Thus need for healthy, safe environment for all workers including women has been taken note of and each person deserves a workplace which is safe and secure in all ways.

Government of India (GOI) declared “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 on 9.12.2013. This act deliberated a fine grievance redressal mechanism which makes it mandatory for all educational institutions to constitute Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to look in to such complaints. Accordingly, in pursuance of UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and in partial modification of Office Order No. 449 dated 05.08.2016, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted as under to deal with the complaints relating to Sexual harassment at work place.

The college follows a Zero Tolerance Policy towards sexual harassment, gender stereotyping or gender based discrimination. This policy is meant to sensitize one and all in the college about their fundamental rights to have safe and healthy environment in the work place. It also states that what includes sexual harassment and the ways which are being adopted by the college to prevent occurrence of any such event. However, in the chance of an occurrence an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) has been constituted to enable a fair mechanism for dealing with such conduct.


The objectives of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at Jagran College of Arts, Science and Commerce are as follows:

1. To develop the norms and guidelines under this policy against sexual harassment in the college.

2. To provide conducive environment and congenial atmosphere for women.

3. To ensure the implementation of the policy and proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.

4. To act in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the UGC Regulations 2015 and the POSH Act for inquiring into the complaint in a time-bound framework.

                                                  POSH GUIDELINES 


Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Members:





Dr. Asmita Dubey



Dr. Hema Rohra

Asst. Prof. Dept. of Economics


Dr. Manisha Gupta

Asst. Prof. dept. of Commerce


Mrs. Padmini Shukla

Asst. Prof. dept. of Commerce


Dr. Anju Sachan

Asst. Prof. Dept. of English


Mr. Prashant Khare

Asst. Prof. Deptt. of Physics

External Member

Dr. Anuradha varshney

Secretary, Premanjali Foundation

Non-Teaching Member

Mrs. Pooja Shukla

HR Incharge

Student Nominee

Drishti Srivastava



Antra yadav

B.Com Hons


Pavitra Gupta



Definition of Sexual Harassment:

“Sexual harassment” includes any unsolicited sexually inclined behavior, in a direct or indirect manner, such as:
a) Trying to make physical contact.

b) Demanding sexual favors

c) Making sexual/gender specific remarks

d) Any kind of pornography

e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.

Reporting of Sexual Harassment:

The policy will be applicable to any individual, such as:

1. All students in any stream

2. All faculty members (permanent and temporary)

3. All non-teaching staff (permanent and temporary)

4. All service providers/visitors

Possible actions:

Disciplinary actions taken are based on severity of the case as recommended by the committee.

A. In case of employee (either one or many):

1. Warning

2. Written apology

3. Debarring from duties

4. Suspension

B. In case of students:

1. Warning

2. Written apology

3. Exclusion of the access to the library, scholarships and Identity card

4. Debarring entry into the campus

5. Suspension for a specific period of time

6. Permanent suspension

C. In case of third party/outsider:

1. Warning

2. Written apology

3. Taking legal action

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