Grievance Redressal Committee

      Constitution of Grievance Redressal Committee

Jagran College Of Arts ,Science and Commerce

(Academic Year: 2021-22)

Fortification and assurance of human rights is necessary for the holistic development of an individual’s personality. Academic progress can only happen in an environment where an individual is assured of justice and fairness. To this end and in compliance with UGC directives Jagran College of Arts, Science & Commerce has constituted a Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC-STC). The GRC aims to understand and resolve the grievances of students and parents. Students are encouraged to directly approach department members or seek consultation with the designated officer in-charge of the Grievance Redressal Cell. Grievances can be communicated to the Grievance Redressal Committee Students may also seek assistance from their mentors in resolving issues.


Primary goal of Grievance Committee is to maintain a responsive and responsible environment among all parties involved in order to create a harmonious learning environment within the institution. Establishing and maintaining a grievance cell is essential in order to effectively address and rectify issues reported by the students.       

The objectives of the grievance cell include:

  • Provide a free environment within the college by fostering cordial relationships between the students and between the students and teachers, where dignity is a priority.
  • To develop a step-by-step structure to resolve grievances of students.
  • To support students unjustly deprived of the services offered by the College, rightfully theirs.
  • To ensure that the staff of the College are responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
  • To provide quick and effective resolution of student’s grievances in an non- discriminatory and just manner.
  • Encourage staff members to show kindness towards students and refrain from being vengeful in any circumstances. Patience and restraint should be maintained during disagreements or conflicts.

Members :

Dr. Asmita Dubey, Principal/ Chairperson

Dr. Reshma Rajani (Convenor)

Dr. Hema Rohra (Member)

Dr. Kamal Vinod Kumar Singh (Member)

Dr. Anju Sachan (Member)

Ms. Nishi Shah (Student representative)

Mr. Harshit Shukla (Student representative)

Ms. Mansi Tiwari (Student representative) 


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