1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment


IQAC under the leadership of the Head of the institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well-planned process and effective implementation of the prescribed syllabus established by the CSJM University. College publishes a prospectus annually to inform to the students about the programs offered at UG and PG level. To complement the academic curriculum, various certificate courses and skill development programs are planned in the academic calendar to achieve the set objectives.

At the beginning of every session, departmental meetings are held, in which the following points are discussed and finalized.

1) Workload allotment to teachers – as per their expertise and University guidelines.

2) Preparation of academic calendar reflecting both curricular and co-curricular activities.

3) IQAC finalizes the academic activity and allocates the responsibilities to the teachers according to the CSJMU calendar.

The session begins with the preparation of class timetables by the departmental coordinators. Orientation program is conducted for incoming students to ease the transition into new life and help them to adjust to the college environment through a series of activities and sessions organized as part of the program. The academic calendar, timetable and syllabus are uploaded on the college website, noticeboards and class-wise whatsapp group of different courses.

To enhance effective delivery of the curriculum and improve the capabilities of students; teachers supplement classroom teaching with PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, Quizzes, etc. Relevant study material and assignments are given to support student’s learning and improve writing skills. Online teaching apps and tools are also used to conduct online classes. Teachers are required to keep the record of attendance and progress of students in academic assessment which is periodically discussed with course coordinators, IQAC and the Head of the institution. They also prepare the teaching plans in accordance with the academic calendar. The calendar facilitates planned coverage of syllabus. To deepen the conceptual knowledge, doubt solving sessions and mentoring are planned by the respective course coordinators.  A comprehensive question bank related to the subject is also discussed and provided prior to the examination. Internal assessment examinations are conducted following the university guidelines. Result analysis is done after every evaluation and extra/ remedial classes are scheduled for the betterment of the students.

College has a modern library with large number of textbooks and other reference books. It provides a wide range of journals, book bank and other services to faculty, students and research scholars. The library plays an important role in promoting the curriculum and fostering self-learning. It has registered with N-List and NDLI.

College has various executive committees to deal with a wide range of issues from social responsibility to language, art and culture. They conduct various extra-curricular activities for the students. To enhance the employability of students and improve their skills various value-added programs are also provided.

IQAC under the chairmanship of the Head of the institution monitors the overall teaching and learning process by collecting the feedback from various stakeholders. Thus, the institution adheres to the academic calendar to achieve the mission.

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  1. Link for Additional Information


1.2.1 Number of Add on/ Certificate/ Value added programs offered during the last five years Number of Add on/ Certificate/ Value added programs offered during the last five years: 10

File enclosed:

1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years

Response: 11.51 percent Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs year wise during last five years














 File Enclosed:-

1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum

The institution ensures that the crosscutting issues get equal representation in the curriculum to sensitize students’ holistic growth as sensitive and responsible citizen of the country.

Professional Ethics– The commerce and management and humanities programs include discussion on the business ethics, professional etiquettes and moral values, personality development, interpersonal skills, and organizational behavior. Besides for developing values in new generation students to live life meaningfully and confidently with happiness in an increasingly dynamic and challenging environment, college undertakes the following initiatives:

  • Industrial Visits and Excursion tours
  • Workshop on time management, Entrepreneurship, stock market, GST, Income Tax Awareness, Data Literacy, and Digital Marketing
  • Webinar on Headwinds to India’s Growth Trajectory
  • Role-play Activity conducted by BBA Department
  • Budget 2023 Program
  • Pool campus Recruitment Drive
  • Project Reports, G.D, Quizzes, Debates, and Literary Write-ups
  • Symposium in collaboration with MSME and awoke India.
  • A Workshop in collaboration with ICSI on “Role and Responsibility of Company Secretaries in Corporate Governance “
  • Kautuhal -the science exhibition
  • National Seminar on People and Politics

Gender– Gender Equality is promoted among students through various lectures on Women Rights, Female Feticides and Gender-based violation.

The institution addresses Gender sensitive issues in the following manner-

  • Mission Shakti- An exclusive talk-show on Gender Sensitization and Legal Awareness
  • Poster making competition and Ananta Alankaran to celebrate International Women’s Day
  • SDP on the Struggle of Women and their Corporate Journey
  • Unleash The power Within- workshop to empower women
  • The Proctorial Board in association with discipline committees takes care of the safety and security of all students and keeps a strict watch to avoid any inappropriate behaviour in college campus.

Human Values– Values are strong positive feelings for the human essence of the other which adds quality to life. They are the basis to lead a meaningful life within the society.  To instill human values, college curriculum aims to provide value-based education to promote students’ overall development along with building students’ character by conducting the following activities-

  • NSS organizes various programs in campus such as – the Voter Awareness Program, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Blood Donation Camp, Celebration of International Yoga Day, National Days and Festivals to inculcate social responsibility among students.
  • Essay Writing Competition to cultivate moral and social values
  • Inculcating patriotism by celebrating Surgical Strike Day
  • Sensitization of students towards socio-cultural realities through nukkad natak in collaboration with FICCI-FLO
  • Interactive sessions for underprivileged and needy children at Jagriti-teaching centre

Environment and Sustainability-

The institution helps students to evolve into ecologically, environmentally and socially informed and responsible citizens. There are 17 active clubs each represented by an ambassador for creating awareness regarding sustainable development goals of UN. They work to protect the natural resources while ensuring sustainable lifestyle and development model in following manner-

  • Plantation and Cleanliness drive conducted by NSS in collaboration with Madad Ki Raah Foundation
  • Fete ‘ Eco Town’ to promote Reuse, Recycle and Reduce
  • Odds and Sods activity conducted to encourage Reimagination, Recreation and Restoration.
  • Landscape Painting Competition
  • Poster Making Competition on Global Warming and Bio-weapons
  • Junkart – An Exhibition
  • Flower Decoration Competition

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1.3.2. Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year).




31.26% Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships:




975 Total number of students during the latest completed academic year:





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1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website (Yes or No)

Class A –

  • Feedback collected from four stake holders.                                    YES
  • Analyzed and Communicated to the relevant bodies                    YES
  • Action has been taken                                                                            YES
  • Feedback hosted on the institutional website.                                  YES

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