The gender policy framework adopted by Jagran College of Science and Commerce  is formulated as a strategic initiative and implemented through a systematic and structured approach. Its primary objective is to advocate for equitable opportunities and treatment across all genders within the college community, encompassing individuals engaged in both academic pursuits and employment endeavours. Central to this policy is the commitment to ensuring parity in accessing all institutional services provided by the college. Moreover, the policy endeavours to embed principles of gender equality within the standard regulations, protocols, and operational norms governing the college’s administrative and academic spheres.

The tenet of gender equality is embedded within the framework of the Indian Constitution, manifesting across its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, and Directive Principles. This constitutional framework not only guarantees equality to women but also authorizes the State to implement affirmative action measures in their favour. Aligned with democratic governance principles, legislative and policy endeavours have been directed towards advancing women’s empowerment across diverse domains. In adherence to constitutional imperatives, the State has instituted legislative interventions aimed at safeguarding equal rights, mitigating societal discrimination, addressing various forms of violence and injustices, and furnishing targeted support services, particularly tailored to the needs of working women.

Gender Policy of the College

The gender policy framework of Jagran College delineates a comprehensive set of guidelines and principles meticulously crafted by the institution to engender a milieu characterized by safety, inclusivity, and equity, irrespective of individuals’ gender identity or expression. Central to its ethos is the steadfast commitment to advancing gender equality, pre-empting instances of discrimination, and championing the rights and holistic welfare of every constituent within the college community.

  • Jagran College unequivocally prohibits any engagement, endorsement, or condonation of activities that perpetuate discrimination based on sex. This prohibition stands resolute, permitting exceptions solely on the grounds of genuine and substantiated physical distinctions. The college system rests on Equal Opportunity principle which ensures that all opportunities with the college are provided equally to both boys and girls.
  • The college has achieved a notable milestone in instituting a framework dedicated to fostering gender equality and women’s empowerment within its premises. The establishment of both the ICC and the Grievances redressal Cell stands as a testament to the commitment to uphold and enforce the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) guidelines and the Vishakha guidelines. These pivotal bodies will assume the responsibility of orchestrating endeavours aimed at eradicating gender-based discrimination among students. A concerted effort involving students, faculty, and administrative personnel will be marshalled to identify and address instances of discriminatory practices. This collaborative approach underscores the college’s resolve to cultivate an inclusive and equitable environment conducive to the holistic development of all its members. In pursuit of this objective, the college will undertake comprehensive gender analysis initiatives, implement gender mainstreaming strategies, and produce meticulous gender audit reports.
  • Through the diligent execution of these measures, the college endeavours to foster a culture of respect, dignity, and equity, thereby nurturing an academic milieu where individuals are empowered to thrive irrespective of gender identity or expression.
  • Gender analysis is an essential first step of collecting and analysing sex disaggregated information in order to understand gender differences and how these differences may have an effect on policies’ effectiveness. Gender mainstreaming promises to bring a gender dimension into all higher education policies. Gender mainstreaming is a systematic inclusion of both women’s and men’s concerns, experiences and needs. It is a process of consistently incorporating sensitivity to gender differences in governance, decision-making, policy, needs analysis, offices and mechanisms, planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in colleges so as to create an organization that is gender equitable. Gender audit is an evaluation process aimed at figuring out whether set policies or interventions are doing that which they are meant to be doing. It is college’s self-assessment, monitoring and evaluation of interventions with the broad aim diagnosis and transformation.
  • The college is committed to equality between women, men and third genders, and the right of all members of our community to be treated equally regardless of gender identity.
  • The college protects all its members (Students, faculty members, staff members and others) from discrimination, bullying and harassment; this includes discrimination, bullying and/or harassment relating to gender.

Policy Application:

  This policy applies to:

  • All applicants for employment, employees and former employees.
  • All student applicants, students and alumni.
  • All other stakeholders of the College.

 All members of the College community share the right to protection under this policy and a carry a responsibility for ensuring the policy is adhered to. In particular, this policy includes conduct that takes place on campus, on college property, at college functions and activities and where one is representing the college. This policy also pertains to usage of electronic technology and electronic communication that occurs in the above locations and situations.

 Statement of Commitment: College will treat all staff, students, alumni and service users with dignity and respect and seek to provide a work and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment or victimization.  The College: 

  • Is committed to non-discrimination (direct or indirect) on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression.
  • Supports an inclusive environment of dignity and respect where everyone can develop their full potential. The College does not tolerate harassment or bullying of staff, students or other members of the College community on the basis of gender identity and expression.

Dignity and Respect: The College promotes, and is committed to supporting, a collegiate environment, which is free from bullying, sexual harassment and other forms of harassment.

Confidentiality and Privacy: College is committed to respecting the right to privacy. All information disclosed relating to a person’s gender identity and expression will be treated as confidential. Confidential information will only be disclosed with the person’s prior consent.

Activities: The college shall promote activities that sensitize the students faculty and staff towards gender equity.

 Policy Review Procedures: This policy shall be subject to continuous assessment and evaluation, and shall be reviewed at least once every five years. The College also committed to conduct a gender audit every year to ensure the compliance of the policies.

Objectives of the Gender Audit

l) To evaluate if gender concerns are mainstreamed in all areas of the College’s activities

2) To identify areas where imbalance exists in mainstreaming the concerns of women

3) To identify, equity measures that can lead to gender equality.

4) To address both men and women, girls and youth in gender-responsive interventions

5) To recommend ideas to implement in the future strategy of the College

Statement of Compliance: This policy document complies with the requirements for the legal provisions related to sexual misconduct of the laws of Government of India and rules and regulations of Jagran College of Arts Science and Commerce.

Approved by the management of Jagran College of Arts Science and Commerce

Gender Audit Committee Members:

On 12th January 2023, the institution formed a dedicated Gender Audit Committee tasked with conducting annual gender audits and delivering comprehensive reports as part of its ongoing commitment to gender equality and inclusivity.”




Members Dr. Anamika Singh Asst. Prof. Dept. of Sociology, JC
 Dr. Abha Saxena Asst. Prof. Dept. of Psychology, JC