

The true path to success begins with the meaningful involvement of the youth in the social, economic, and political processes of the country. They are the backbone of a community; they are bright, aspirational individuals with limitless potential that could lead to real achievements. Since we at Jagran College, think that education should serve as a window into the world, we also believe that every student should have the opportunity to discover their own talents and areas of interest in addition to receiving a general education. College aims to set a benchmark through a comprehensive learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can explore, examine, preserve, and disseminate the values, knowledge and wisdom which are prerequisites to ensure the upliftment of current and future generations.


Jagran College, propelled by a singular vision and unified mission, has traversed a remarkable Seventeen-year journey marked by unwavering convictions, tireless endeavors, and continual enhancements. Reflecting upon this decade-long odyssey evokes a sense of profound amelioration, reward, and gratification. Throughout its evolution, Jagran College has transcended its initial state, offering students an enriching educational experience aimed at empowering them to achieve a harmonious blend of cultural enrichment and material success.

The college also aims to carry the torch of knowledge to the extreme edges where higher education is yet to blossom. With concerted efforts we are committed to awaken youth to “Learn, Discover, Share, and Create” and make the world a better place, to become thoughtful and help them discover their talent and abilities. Sharing knowledge and experiences, creating opportunities and enabling them to realize their dream is our mission.

Governance and Leadership

The governance and leadership are in accordance with vision and mission of the institution and it is visible in various institutional practices. Under the valuable guidance and support of the management and effective leadership of the Head of the institution, college aims to set strong value-based system to build decentralized working environment with participative decision-making. It plays a central role in not only achieving the vision and mission of the college but also helps in building inclusive, collaborative and empathetic organization culture.

Effective formal and informal communication system in the college helps in proper planning and smooth functioning of academic and administrative activities. The active leadership of various course-coordinators and student-mentors ensure the timely implementation of university and college policies for the fulfillment of the stated mission, formulation of new action plans through regular meetings and its execution reflects the constant efforts of the institution in achieving its vision. The role of principal and faculty in curriculum enrichment through various extra-curricular activities, training and internships programs and vocational education helps to enhance the students’ learning experiences and strengthen the lessons learned in classroom.

College has effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism. To ensure quality teaching and learning processes, the Head of the Institution closely examines weekly report submitted by the individual subject teacher and ensures timely completion of syllabus by all teachers. Besides there is feedback system from various stakeholders as to get useful insights for the purpose of improvement in all aspects of teaching, learning, assessment, and capacity. Further all the concerned issues are discussed in regular IQAC meetings for resolution.

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The College is promoted by Sri Puranchandra Gupta Smarak Trust. Chairman of the Trust and College management committee, Dr. Mahendra Mohan Gupta has delegated executive and decision-making powers to Mrs. Ritu Gupta, Vice Chairperson of JEF in consultation with Dr. J.N. Gupta, CEO-JEF and secretary of the college managing committee and Principal of the college

All matters pertaining to the appointment of teachers, service rules, procedures and deployment of development plans are discussed with the management committee. Management committee and IQAC maintain healthy interaction, work together as a team, which enables more holistic decision making and fosters positive and happy teaching and learning environment. Management Committee executes its plans through the Head of the institution and IQAC under her leadership, holds regular meetings, channelize their aspirations, address the challenges, and fulfill their potential to achieve the objectives. Besides, there are various executive cells for general management and administration of the college they suggest innovative ideas for better administration and development of college.

1. Provisions relating to full time qualified teaching staff:

Selection and Approval

·         Vacant posts are advertised through their publication in leading newspaper.

·         An application is given to university for appointment of selection panel.

·         The selection committee, including VC nominee, subject experts and members of the college management committee (as appointed by affiliating university) conducts the selection process.

·         Selection Committee report is prepared which is confirmed and recommended by the college management committee.

·         After the selection of the candidate,  report is sent to university and management for approval along with following documents – Letter from the university regarding selection panel , Newspaper cutting of the  published Advertisement, Application of selected candidates along with selection committee recommendation as per the university prescribed format and all the documents of their Educational Qualifications, Contract between the candidate and the college management, Attendance sheet of all the candidates present during the selection process, minutes of the meeting of the management committee regarding recommendation of the selected candidates.

·         Final approval is done after the verification of all documents and endorsement by the affiliating university.

·         All approved faculty are allotted teacher code by CSJM university and their name appears in the list of approved teachers of the university/


As per University norms, there is no provision of CAS promotions of teachers in self-finance colleges. An initiative is required to be taken in this direction. Appointment of full-time teachers on consolidated salary is fixed as per the rules and an annual increment based on PBAS is provided to all the staff members. 

Service Rules for Teachers

The institute adheres to the rules and regulations set by CSJM. University, Kanpur, University Grants Commission (UGC) and UP Government as applicable on self-financing colleges . The rules and terms of the contract signed by the candidate and management at the time of appointment are the guiding principles and binding on both the parties

2. Provision for non-teaching staff

Appointment and promotions of non-teaching staff are based on the policy decided by management of college from time to time.

3. Service books and leave records

Service books are maintained in as per guidelines of the management and University Attendance and leave records in college is maintained through biometric system and also through signing attendance register. 

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Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

1. Administration

2. Finance and Accounts

3. Student Admission and Support

4. Examination

Response: A. All of the above

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The college provides following benefits and welfare measures for its teaching and non-teaching staff.

  • The college provides career advancement leave to attend Research Coursework Ph.D., FDP, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences and Duty leave to represent college at University, Regional, State, National or international level not exceeding 10 in one academic session
  • Staff is provided 14 Casual Leave; Medical Leave in case of serious illness and Privilege leave after completion of three years of service.
  • Female employees are entitled for two months (60 days) maternity leave with pay.
  • 40% Scholarship to JEF wards in all JEF institutions.
  • Free Wi-Fi is available on campus.
  • Staff gets the benefit of the provident fund and ESI scheme and as per government provisions.
  • Canteen facility available for staff and students.
  • College provides interest free loan to college teaching, admin and support staff, these loans are granted on demand to meet the expenses of education or marriage of children, medical treatment, or any other personal needs. 
  • Gratuity on retirement.

·         Felicitation of staff on retirement.

·         Provision of Free tea and snacks.

  • Access to sports equipment.
  • Recreation activities for staff members and teachers’ day celebration.
  • Vehicle arrangement for attending official programs.
  • Parking facility for two /four-wheeler of staff

Performance Appraisal System

Performance appraisal system forms an important mechanism for quality enhancement. Students are the major stakeholders therefore feedback is taken regularly from all the classes covering all crucial aspects. This feedback is then submitted to the Head of the Institution for necessary action.

For the appraisal of the staff, an appraisal form is developed by the IQAC coordinator in consultation with Head of the Institution .Each staff member is assessed on rating scale from 1 – 15 on the basis of  teaching content quality and delivery, regularity and punctuality in class, completion of assigned task, remedial/extra classes, admission, counseling and mentoring, maintaining college discipline, examination and evaluation, initiative in organizing extra-curricular, initiative in introducing innovation in academic/general, contributing and supporting actively i.e. initiative in organizing a seminar/FDP/workshop, participation in academic activity and representing college in national and international seminar/conference/workshops, awards and recognition i.e. examiner-ship/paper setter/ chairing a session/jury member. All the required information is collected from teachers to support their performance appraisal matrix. 

The principal along with IQAC reviews the forms, puts in the score under each of the above criteria, and measure the efficiency of each faculty. The appraisal forms are then sealed and final report is prepared for management consideration for increment.

The performance of administrative staff is also evaluated through the PBAS using Confidential Reports. Non-teaching staffs’ performance is evaluated based on various criteria such as the regularity and punctuality, completion of assigned task on time, comprehension and file management, technical proficiency, proactive and vigilant attitude.

All the teaching, admin and support staff members have been granted minimum 10% increment since the start of the institution. Encouraging a healthy work-life balance, promoting mindful practices and offering resources for mental health support are one the major priorities of the management so that teachers and staff do not feel burdened and able to accomplish challenging targets with great ease and contentment.

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Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years: 0 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years










Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development/administrative training programs during the last five years Total number of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years : 8.48







10961 Number of non-teaching staff year wise during the last five Years 







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Jagran College of Arts, Science and Commerce being a self-finance institution does not receive any aid from government/non-government organizations. The Head of the institution ensures that the funds received from various sources are used optimally without compromising development goals and targets. Managing finances in an educational institution involves budgeting, resource allocation, and ensuring financial sustainability.

Some strategies include:

Budget Planning: A comprehensive budget is prepared that outlines income sources and expenditure.

Cost Control: Regularly review expenses is done to identify areas where costs can be minimized without compromising quality. This could involve negotiating contracts with suppliers, Identifying the areas where resources are over utilized and by reducing the wastages, implementing energy-saving measures. College electricity bill has reduced significantly after installation of solar panel and Energy efficient appliances.

Financial Transparency: Maintaining transparency in financial operations is the key priority Risk Management: The institution has effectively Identified potential financial risks and developed strategies to mitigate them, such as having insurance coverage for key assets and liabilities.

Long-Term Planning: The institution has developed a long-term financial plan that aligns with the institution’s strategic goals and accounts for future expenses such as facility upgrades or expansion.

Mobilization of Funds:

The major sources of revenue are: Sale of application forms for admission, Fee collected during admission process. It includes tuition and development fee, Surplus from Certificate courses, Sundry income generated through sale of scrap, Membership fee from associations conducting co-curricular and extracurricular activities, for e.g., alumni membership fee, Payments received from university for conducting examination and digital evaluation center charges, Fine imposed on students on non-compliance of college rules etc.

Optimal Utilization of Resources:

The College makes operational budgetary allocations for salaries of all teaching and non-teaching staff, house-keeping staff, repairs and maintenance, AMCs, license fee, developmental work, audit fee, legal and professional charges, purchase of books and periodicals, event expenses, student’s participation fee, electricity and water bills, stationery expenses, postage and telegram and miscellaneous expenses. The daily sundry expenses are met out of the petty cash provisions. College also provides scholarships to the deserving needy students.

The funds collected are spent only for planned expenditure reflected in the Budget. During the preparation of budget, inputs are obtained from IQAC, departments, library, sports, laboratory and committees. Then the annual budget of the College is prepared. After collecting quotations from the Purchase Department, the budget is revised on the basis of requirements and priorities of the College.

The budget items are approved by the management. A specific amount is finalized (on the basis of income) within which the College has to restrict its expenses. Accounts are maintained by the Accounts department. and audited by a CA appointed by the management of the college. All financial transactions are controlled and monitored by internal and external audit.

Regular Financial Audits Conducted by College

Auditing involves the review and verification of financial records to ensure that they are presented fairly and accurately. Our college conducts regular external and internal audit.

Internal Audit: college conducts internal audit twice a year. The management has appointed Mr. P.K. Srivastava as Chief Manager (F & A) who conducts an internal audit regularly.

External Audit: Conducted by the C.A. appointed by college management.

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1College has established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 26th February 2021, in accordance with the requirements of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). With a commitment to continuous quality enhancement, the IQAC is seamlessly integrated into the institution’s framework, dedicated to achieving and sustaining excellence in various facets of academic, administrative, and financial performance. The primary objective of IQAC is to take steps towards the fulfilment of the mandates of NAAC. IQAC of the college is committed to create a conducive and efficient academic environment.

Functions of IQAC:

The IQAC works with the belief that excellence and quality are not one-time goals but a continuous process. The IQAC reviews operational, instructional, and learning techniques proactively to guarantee ongoing improvement. It examines the curriculum, instructional practices, methods of assessment, and other aspects of the learning process. To establish and implement the standards of quality for the institution by’s academic and administrative operations it sets the benchmark for quality-enhancement and define the short-term and long-term goals of the institution.

The IQAC of the college performs the following functions

  • It devises a work plan, coordinates and monitors the execution, removes deficiencies in the system and takes measures to achieve its objectives. At the beginning of every session academic calendar is made in line with CSJM university academic calendar . IQAC under the leadership of head of the institution plays a pivotal role in smooth functioning of the system. It collectively decides course coordinators and class teachers. Faculty meeting is conducted to discuss and address matters related to academics, curriculum, student progress, policies, and faculty development. There is proper delegation of responsibilities on rotational basis ensuring inclusiveness regarding all academic matters facilitating knowledge gain and skill development in all areas.  The discussion facilitates various inputs and innovative ideas as to improve the academic outcome.
  • Introduces new programs along with skill development courses in collaboration with reputed organization such as IIT- K, Global Talent Track (GTT), Awoke India foundation, MSME to facilitate comprehensive and conducive teaching -learning environment. Two programs B.com (Hons) and B.A. in music (vocal) were introduced in the year 2020 and 2021 respectively. College took an initiative of developing the curriculum of vocational programs which are accepted and offered by CSJM University in other affiliated colleges.
  • Integrates and internalizes modern teaching methodologies and pedagogical techniques to enhance learning outcomes.
  • Facilitates justifiable access to and affordability of academic programs for diverse sections of society.
  • Organizes relevant and high-quality academic and research programs to foster holistic development.
  • Facilitates the exchange of research findings, fosters collaboration and networking with peer institutions nationally. College publishes Jagran journal of Commerce and economics.
  • Reviews physical resources on regular basis and suggests up-gradation of infrastructure and facilities as and when required through establishment of various executive committees
  • Ensures the adequacy, accuracy, and proper maintenance of support structures and services for the college community
  • Ensures timely, effective, efficient, and progressive academic, administrative, and financial operations at college.
  • Makes all possible efforts to uphold the credibility, validity, and reliability of the assessment and evaluation processes.

Therefore, Increasing the effective functioning of all systems is the major concern of the IQAC and the team works tirelessly to create an ecosystem to achieve its objectives.

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Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements

2. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)/membership of international networks

3. Participation in NIRF

4. any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA, ISO Certification etc.

Response: B. Any 3 of the above