Guest Lecture on Introduction to Plant Pathology

The diseases, pathogens and causal organism affect the plant growth and ultimately the crop yield. To understand and address issues, a guest lecture on the topic ‘Introduction to Plant Pathology’ was organized on 20th April 2022. Dr. Piyush Mishra, Assistant Professor, Botany Department, D.A.V. College Kanpur was invited as a key resource person.Dr. Varsha Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Botany department delivered welcome address and Mr. Prashant Khare, Asst. Prof., Physics Department presented a sapling as a token of gratitude. Overall, 60 students were present from first, second and third year of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). The spokesperson provided great benefits to students; his perspectives and opinions about the topic were excellent. He highlighted the importance of plant pathology and the vast hidden potential of this field in India. It was a very interactive session, where students gained technical knowledge about the plant pathology. Dr. Manisha Verma, Asst. Prof., Botany Department proposed of ‘Vote of Thanks’ and Dr. Shashank Shekhar Mishra, Asst. Prof., Physics Department presented a memento to the speaker.

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