It was the dream of Late Shri Y. M. Gupta, Former Chairman, Jagran Group and Jagran Education Foundation to develop Jagran College of Arts, Science and Commerce as one of the leading institutions of the country.
His leadership and guidance have led Jagran College to diversify to ensure the best of educational pursuits to groom the personalities of our young and energetic youth who are destined to lead this country in the near future.
He was a man of great ambition and strong will, a visionary leader, an epitome of morals, discipline and values who always encouraged the students to be socially responsible and sensitive citizens of the country. Through the establishment of Sri Puranchandra Smarak Trust, he has immensely contributed to reinforce global competence and transmit the ever so rich and deep rooted Indian values and culture to the rest of the world.
His life is a teaching all by itself where aspiring students can draw inspiration and motivation to follow their passion and move towards ambitious goals. He believed that knowledge is as infinite as the universe…..